Tuesday, September 20, 2011

3.Therapeutic Advancements in Acne Skin Care Products

Therapeutic Advancements in Acne 
Skin Care Products

Most people experience acne in some form during puberty, with many individuals suffering from acne well into adulthood. From the occasional pimple to severe lesions, the severity of acne differs with each person, but can be unpleasant for all. Acne is a health condition that needs to be treated as such, and there are many medical, preventative acne skin care products on the market now that can soothe, treat, and clear this common skin complaint.

What is acne?

Acne is a condition marked by inflammatory outbreaks that result from the blockage of hair follicles and pores. New skin cells that form in the lower tiers of the epidermis make their way to the skin surface. Once depleted of moisture, they slough off. Acne sufferers may slough off dead skin faster, and in conjunction with an excess of sebum (oil), creates a plug that seals hair follicles. This creates a hive for the bacteria P. acnes. Non-inflammatory acne, such as whiteheads and blackheads, are more manageable than their inflammatory siblings. Inflamed papules and postules develop when white blood cells respond aggressively to increased bacterial presence.

What can be done to prevent acne?

Adapting your skin care regime and lifestyle can have a positive effect on diminishing acne. Scientifically developed acne skin care products are now available to sufferers, products that will minimize skin discomfort and eradicate the emotional stress that comes hand in hand with break outs. The key is utilizing medical treatments that resolve the underlying causes of acne.

Unclog pores with salicylic acid.

Promote skin peeling by opening up pores with a variety of mild scrubs, exfoliants, and masques that contain salicylic acid in a concentration. This Beta-Hydroxy acid acts as a peeling agent that removes the outer layer of the skin. Products like Benev’s “Salicylic Acid Exfoliator 2%” remove the surface skin cells and boosts skin tenacity. This acid is oil-soluble and lipophilic, penetrating sebum filled follicles and draining pores.

Kill bacteria with external applications of products that contain benzoyl peroxide.

Benzoyl peroxide is known to destroy P. acnes bacteria and has been used in the treatment of acne for over thirty years. It has now been developed in acne skin care products like Skin Medica’s ‘Acne Treatment Lotion’ as an active ingredient alongside naturally derived ingredients like tea tree oil, willow bark extract, and menthol, which soothe and rejuvenate skin. Eliminating the bacteria P. acnes decreases the onset of acne.

Minimize oil by using products that contain sulfur.

The rate at which our oil glands produce oil is as unique as we are. This is not a process that can be halted, but acne-prone oily skin can be given a helping hand with acne skin care products that contain sulfur. Sulfur draws out facial oil from the epidermis, minimizing the probability of clogged pores. For example, Murad’s Acne Complex Kit balances a partnership of sulfur, triclosan and salicylic acid that is efficient without side effects or over drying.

Make well-informed lifestyle choices.

When it comes to cosmetics, it is advised to make choices that will compliment your acne skin care regimen. Look for oil free and water-based make up products that are labeled as non-comedogenic. However, the right makeup depends on the skin you are in, and thus, it is important to choose wisely. Read the ingredients and understand what you are applying to your face to minimize any acne flare-ups.

In addition, it is important to follow the critical skin care commandment: do not overexpose your skin to UV rays. It is a dangerous myth that excessive sun exposure will rid your skin of acne. The sun may dry and redden skin, thus allowing acne to blend in, but that is entire extent of the benefit. In reality, sun overexposure can cause skin irritation which only serves to make acne worse – and the sun can cause your acne to scar darker and stay longer. In addition, acne skin care products that contain Retinoids (Vitamin A derived) leave the customer more likely to sunburn.

Acne is an unpleasant old friend…

…but not a problem that has to be endured. By taking positive, informed steps and using the right medical products for you, a fresh acne skin care regimen will give you clear, glowing skin.

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