Tuesday, September 20, 2011

7.Aloe Barbadensis Health Benefits

Aloe Barbadensis Health Benefits 
Aloe Vera has received worldwide acclaim and has been used much in ancient times, excellent quality. Almost every important civilization used for its beneficial effects on health and beauty. The Egyptians would mix aloe with other herbs in the preparation of internal and external remedies anomalies.

Greek doctors (Celsius and Dioscorides), the Romanian studies (Pylni the Great) and Arabic (Al-Kindi) dedicated to this plant extensively, fascinated by the multiple uses. Currently, studies to fully discuss highlighting the wonderful herb may help fight diseases like cancer.

The material most oftenly used this herb, aloe gel, a thick, sticky liquid inside leaves. The leaves are used in the treatment of burns and aloin - a bitter milky yellowish liquid used as a laxative. The herb contains:

- 20 minerals, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, selenium;

- 12 vitamins: A, B, C, E, folic acid;

- 20 amino acids, of which 7 are important (the human body needs 8 essential amino acids);

- 200 active members

- Enzymes;

- Polysaccharides.

What is aloe vera good? It hardens the immune system (due to the 23 peptides contained in its composition), accelerates and regulates the methabolism, purifies the body against toxins.

In addition, this herb is an antiseptic effect (which distroying bacteria, viruses and fungi), disinfectant properties. Aloe vera can also contribute to the process of cells seeded.

A wide range of products with healing and therapeutic effects is obtained from aloe vera, vitamins and laxatives to face creams and body lotions and deodorants. Also aloe vera can also be given at home due to its high nutritional influence. When mixed with other fruits, this herb can be taken as an excellent natural beverage rich in vitamins and minerals. We recommend that you take in during a trip to avoid dehydration.

Aloe vera has demonstrated its effectiveness from the simplest to treat allergies, ulcers and skin infections, and also its use to alleviate the most serious difficulties. With the help of this herb a wide range of internal and external problems is monitored such as: asthma, viral infections, arthritis, osteoarthritis, gingivitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, intestinal inflammation, constipation, obesity, sprains, muscle strains, skin inflammations. The effectiveness of the herb has also been demonstrated anemia, deficiency diseases, insomnia and depression and B-sisterole aloe vera reduce cholesterol levels. In addition, this herb can be used to control the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, diabetes, hepatitis, pancreatitis and multiple sclerosis.

6.Acupuncture Points Information

Acupuncture Points Information
It's time to start working on this issue. Take a moment to review all aspects of this work I hope will be of great help. Acupuncture is a term that combines "acus" two Latin words meaning the prick of the needle "pungere" means. In fact, it is an ancient process of Chinese medicine in which needles are inserted into the patient along some well defined points meridian. In ancient China, stone needles were used for treatment, then, as the metals are later revealed the needle were made of bronze, silver and even gold. In modern times, the needles are stainless steel.

Acupuncture points are the most important part of acupuncture treatment. These stimulation points are very different in different parts of the body. According to ancient theory, all these points is a direct link to promote the meridians, which are artificial channels, where the flow of critical energy. There are over 360 entry points, the needles are inserted or the stimulation of these things in some way done to stop or accelerate a flow of energy.

This interruption or stimulation of points can cause analgesic effect that will reduce or eliminate pain. He may even suffer a greater flow of energy that can cure various health problems. All of these acupuncture points are related to fourteen major meridians, for the group of twelve internal organs of a meridian, a meridian along the spine, who knows the ship, and along the midline of the abdomen , which is designated as ship design. The measure is used to find the acupuncture points are named "Cun". Generally, a Cun is equal spacing between the distal and proximal finger joints interfalangealled shared medium.

All of these acupuncture points are classified according to their functions. First category of these acupuncture points five points of Transportation: This system explains the flow of vitality (as indicated "qi" in Chinese), using the analogy of rivers and points are described as points along the flow line.

This system. "Qi Bubbles' until the spring, and step by step, to increase the depth and breadth like a river down the mountain an ocean smooth" Here are the five points of the transport system; * Jing and points that lead to points of energy flow when it bubbles, these items are placed in the fingertips and toes .* Ying spring point where the river glides along the energy channel, these factors suggest the warmth of the body, and also show changes in Our complexion.

* RSS Shu, these points indicate heaviness of body afflictive areas in joints and intermittent diseases .* Jing river points give an idea, cough and dyspnea fever and chills and foe bone diseases .* He said the sea meets the qi and heads deeper into the body and these points are useful for indicating diarrhea. The counter current of qi and these points also indicates the problems caused by irregular food and drink.

With five points of transportation, there are some other sets of points like five phase points, eleven points Hare, Yuan source points, the Luo connecting points, back shu points, front-Mu points, places of Hue. Acupuncture used successfully to treat ear aches, nose and throat and respiratory problems.

Thank you for taking the time to read the article it is greatly appreciated. Try searching through my other points related articles you may find interesting

5.Arnica Montana Health Benefits

Arnica Montana Health Benefits
Arnica Montana is a plant that was used in ancient times as a cure for wounds. From the 16 th century, this herb has been used in North America, Germany and Russia, because of its anti-inflammatory and soothing. Not to be confused with Arnica chamissonis, which is not a medicinal herb, but a decoration.

The active compounds found by arnica is its volatile oils, carotenoids, and alcohol flavornoids triterpene. Its roots contain the volatile oil (0.5 - 1.5%), caffeic acid, inulin, thymol, and sucrose.

Arnica has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and decongestant. It also stimulates granulation tissue formation and accelerates the healing process. That kills microorganisms and keeps bacteria and fungi to multiply. Arnica flowers are used to treat the pale skin, wounds, bruises and burns. It should be noted that the flowers of Arnica are not harmless because the tincture of arnica can be an irritant when applied topically to the skin or internally in small doses can cause gastroenteritis or paralysis of the central nervous system.

Other drugs used for this herb for the treatment of bruises, dislocations, bacterial infections, skin cancer, bronchitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, flu, viral infections of the lung, cystitis, kidney infections, kidney infections, coronary artery to be inadequate, the ' hypertension, angina pectoralis, brain trauma, headache, paresis, semiparesis, insomnia, palpitations, nightmares, night terrors, a moral depression, neurosis, hysteria, etc.

Arnica mixtures are:

- Color - is recommended in cases of trauma, sprains and injuries by applying a compress to the affected area.

- Oil;

- Dust;

- Ointments based on Arnica and Black Bryony - has the same uses as other products containing Arnica. Arnica creams are known for their ability to treat acne.

4.Allium Sativum Health Benefits

Allium Sativum Health Benefits
Garlic is a plant native to Africa and central Asia. It was discovered and used by the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Jews, Greeks and Romans. Garlic earned a renowned place in the modern natural medicine. In the Middle Ages and Renaissance when the population was facing great plagues, garlic was used very often as a protective medicine. It gained its fame owing to some wrongdoers who fended off the plague by using antiseptic garlic vinegar. As a result, garlic was known as the best antidote against the plague under the name of “the vinegar of the four thieves”. The diuretic qualities were discovered by Bartholius, who recommended it for treating ague, while Sydenham would recommend it as a dropsical treatment.

The active compounds of garlic are volatile oil, the mixture between sulfide and allyl oxide in an almost pure state, two very important mineral antibiotic components (sulfur, iodine, zinc, and manganese) and vitamins B and C.

The main therapeutic qualities of garlic describe it as being antiseptic, antibacterial, stimulating digestion, reducing high blood pressure, glandular regulator, diuretic and even cancer deterrent.

Internally, garlic is not used so much due to the strong smell that remains in the mouth. Yet it is still being used often for treating various afflictions: the consumption of 2-3 cloves of garlic a day has wonderful results in treating pharyngitis and intestinal infections. It also counteracts flu complications and helps treat gout and insures a general state of health.

Garlic juice is another useful treatment obtained from this herb. It has noticeable results in treating: hypertension, infectious diseases, lung problems, bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, intestinal parasites and can even deter cancer occurrence.

- several drops of garlic juice digested with a small quantity of sugar are efficient in stopping a bout of asthma;
- a wad of cotton soaked in garlic juice calms an ear ache;
- eliminating the intestinal worms, a mixture of 20 ml of garlic juice with 200 ml of warm milk drunk early in the mornings is very efficient as a treatment.
Caution! To eliminate the unpleasant smell of garlic it is advisable to chew 2-3 coffee beans, aniseed or caraway, an apple or a piece of parsley.
Another less known benefit that garlic has is its aphrodisiac effect. Research has shown that garlic is capable of improving the blood flow through the veins and also the sexual performance in men. Unfortunately, garlic consumed in normal quantities is unable to reach spectacular results, but the edible products containing garlic may aid you in this sense.

3.Therapeutic Advancements in Acne Skin Care Products

Therapeutic Advancements in Acne 
Skin Care Products

Most people experience acne in some form during puberty, with many individuals suffering from acne well into adulthood. From the occasional pimple to severe lesions, the severity of acne differs with each person, but can be unpleasant for all. Acne is a health condition that needs to be treated as such, and there are many medical, preventative acne skin care products on the market now that can soothe, treat, and clear this common skin complaint.

What is acne?

Acne is a condition marked by inflammatory outbreaks that result from the blockage of hair follicles and pores. New skin cells that form in the lower tiers of the epidermis make their way to the skin surface. Once depleted of moisture, they slough off. Acne sufferers may slough off dead skin faster, and in conjunction with an excess of sebum (oil), creates a plug that seals hair follicles. This creates a hive for the bacteria P. acnes. Non-inflammatory acne, such as whiteheads and blackheads, are more manageable than their inflammatory siblings. Inflamed papules and postules develop when white blood cells respond aggressively to increased bacterial presence.

What can be done to prevent acne?

Adapting your skin care regime and lifestyle can have a positive effect on diminishing acne. Scientifically developed acne skin care products are now available to sufferers, products that will minimize skin discomfort and eradicate the emotional stress that comes hand in hand with break outs. The key is utilizing medical treatments that resolve the underlying causes of acne.

Unclog pores with salicylic acid.

Promote skin peeling by opening up pores with a variety of mild scrubs, exfoliants, and masques that contain salicylic acid in a concentration. This Beta-Hydroxy acid acts as a peeling agent that removes the outer layer of the skin. Products like Benev’s “Salicylic Acid Exfoliator 2%” remove the surface skin cells and boosts skin tenacity. This acid is oil-soluble and lipophilic, penetrating sebum filled follicles and draining pores.

Kill bacteria with external applications of products that contain benzoyl peroxide.

Benzoyl peroxide is known to destroy P. acnes bacteria and has been used in the treatment of acne for over thirty years. It has now been developed in acne skin care products like Skin Medica’s ‘Acne Treatment Lotion’ as an active ingredient alongside naturally derived ingredients like tea tree oil, willow bark extract, and menthol, which soothe and rejuvenate skin. Eliminating the bacteria P. acnes decreases the onset of acne.

Minimize oil by using products that contain sulfur.

The rate at which our oil glands produce oil is as unique as we are. This is not a process that can be halted, but acne-prone oily skin can be given a helping hand with acne skin care products that contain sulfur. Sulfur draws out facial oil from the epidermis, minimizing the probability of clogged pores. For example, Murad’s Acne Complex Kit balances a partnership of sulfur, triclosan and salicylic acid that is efficient without side effects or over drying.

Make well-informed lifestyle choices.

When it comes to cosmetics, it is advised to make choices that will compliment your acne skin care regimen. Look for oil free and water-based make up products that are labeled as non-comedogenic. However, the right makeup depends on the skin you are in, and thus, it is important to choose wisely. Read the ingredients and understand what you are applying to your face to minimize any acne flare-ups.

In addition, it is important to follow the critical skin care commandment: do not overexpose your skin to UV rays. It is a dangerous myth that excessive sun exposure will rid your skin of acne. The sun may dry and redden skin, thus allowing acne to blend in, but that is entire extent of the benefit. In reality, sun overexposure can cause skin irritation which only serves to make acne worse – and the sun can cause your acne to scar darker and stay longer. In addition, acne skin care products that contain Retinoids (Vitamin A derived) leave the customer more likely to sunburn.

Acne is an unpleasant old friend…

…but not a problem that has to be endured. By taking positive, informed steps and using the right medical products for you, a fresh acne skin care regimen will give you clear, glowing skin.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2.Magic Mushrooms - Almost Illegal In The Netherlands

Magic Mushrooms - Almost Illegal In The Netherlands
The Dutch Minister of Health, after conducting studies on magic mushrooms or "mushrooms", which concluded that these fungi are not at all dangerous to public health, still decided that they should be declared illegal.

A surprising decision, because although many experts say the effects felt by psilocybin are caused by the toxic nature of the compound, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (a branch of the Center for Disease Control) rated the psilocybin less toxic compared with aspirin regularly. In other words, hallucinogenic mushrooms do not pose a real threat. On the contrary, its positive effects are truly remarkable. Among these positive effects we see:

• All interrupt cluster sequences in those suffering from cluster headaches;

• a change in the spiritual life;

• boring tasks or entertainment can become more interesting or fun;

• Creative, philosophical or deep thinking: ideas flow more easily;

• lift the mood, euphoria;

• laugh, laughter, dizziness;

• An intense feeling of wonder;

• paradoxical sense of normalcy and profound change of mentality;

• Sense of insight.

We also found that many scientists are studying a chemical in hallucinogenic magic mushrooms, which could be a possible new treatment for depression and anxiety not only but also for drug dependence. This movement is followed by a study finding that psilocybin long term can lead to positive changes in behavior and mood.

In addition to these fields also have a positive impact important cultural status in many parts of the world. They are considered sacred to many cultures around the world, and prohibits these sacred mushrooms would be a shame when you consider all the benefits of magic mushrooms bring. Many consumers say they psychedelic mushrooms provide knowledge and insight into the incredible home in their lives.

But despite these positive effects, the health minister still believes it necessary to add the mushrooms to the list of drugs, making it illegal to possess and sell. (Note however that Tampanensis Growsets and are not included in the list). In two weeks, the Dutch government will meet and make a final decision. If you agree with the Minister of Health, which will begin the process of turning this into a law. It may take three weeks to three months.

All things considered, mushrooms provide many positive effects, but more countries like the Netherlands is banning them and put them in the list of fabric, it is illegal for consumption and possession. Hopefully this will change in the future, and people will increasingly take advantage of the benefits of magic mushrooms bring. However, it is said that when the consumption of these magic mushrooms, people should be aware of the dose they take, because, as is the case with many things, cause many problems excessive unwanted .

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1.The Power Of Your Mind

The Power Of Your Mind

So, instead of accepting the death penalty, he began to look into alternative therapies to meet this requirement in life. And read and discover all he could about his condition, he started taking herbal supplements, eating organic foods, drinks green tea, and used humor to keep positive and play games of positive mind. "Knowing what you want and development in harmony with nature", ie have a point of attention and focus on it and reach the finish line. But the secret was that he never had a line coming, always kept moving line as it came near him.

Cuando hablar sobre el poder empezamos in thy mind, I create the palabra que poder of "sus pensamientos you Crean vida" y if you preguntan es posible en mi post anterior really - "¿es tu personalidad You resistentes hacene enfermedad" hablamos Acerca de por qué algunos ponen las enfermedades if Crónicas y por qué algunos parecen no Sufra en absoluto, es posible que Nuestros propios pensamientos Traves de que esta situación if Creado.

Let me give you an example in my life ... .. My brother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and was told only the best he could expect to live five years, the worst case scenario would be for two years. So instead of moping and moody about the situation in his first reaction was to stand the test of this prediction and has continued to prove his doctor wrong.

So instead of accepting the death sentence, he began to seek alternative therapies for him to pass this hurdle in life. And reading and find out as much as he could about his condition, he started taking herbal supplements, eat organic, drink green tea, and used humor to keep positive as well as engaging in sets of positive spirit. "Knowing what you want and come into harmony with it", in other words, having a home and a fixation on her and get to the finish line. But the secret was he never had a finish line he always kept moving the line when it came near him.

But during his treatment about two years after diagnosis, he was really sick and we were told it was very near death. By the time her daughter was traveling abroad and it was decided that we bring home (a 24 hours flight time travel, so at least it would be 36 hours) before it would at home. Through his pain, he said he would wait for her daughter to return, when he needed to see her daughter and apologize for cutting her trip. While most of us never thought he would do all night and I thought that her daughter returned to a funeral. But he came to see her daughter got up slowly and better and is still with us today 10 years after being diagnosed and said he would only do five! Later, he told us this morning that her daughter was back, he put his next goal was to see and her marriage.

So, that's all get on the Clarity in What You Want and Get Your mind and body harmony with interpersonal relationships, and visualization of large IS A party of the EC process of the Spirit. Gurus tell you the display is "simple", just the UN Found Quiet place, relax a Close Your Eyes What You Want In the bright imagine Que muligt detail - what you would tank, hears, smells when a Goal already achieved EST. They say to just used your imagination to imagine a future, in you If you have the already-EC is to realize that you want.

Now you may have tried, but think it's really not that "simple", but there is a way to see that no one tells you. It has been proven to work for thousands of successful businessmen, athletes, artists and leaders. This method combines the power of hypnosis with visualization of an ultra-powerful combination. It helps you to program your brain to release all that you do not want and pull you exactly what you want.